
Our pathway

At IBC we provide those who attend with a clear pathway that they can follow in order to intentionally grow in their relationship with Christ. We want you to be involved in 4 specific areas of our church:


Experience Worship Together

Sunday Morning at 10:30 a.m.

The purpose of the Worship Ministry of IBC is to lead people in Spirit-filled and life-changing worship. Our goal is to lead people into the presence of God and to have them respond to God in a way that causes them to make life-changing decisions. We understand that worship should be not only a Sunday event but a transformational lifestyle. Immanuel incorporates a variety of musical styles in our weekly worship services, and we offer the same worship format in both Sunday worship services.

Worship Ministry Opportunities


Life groups

Sunday Mornings at 9:00 a.m.

Life Groups are a Big Deal.

Life Groups are where life happens at IBC. It's where we really get to know people and invest in one another's lives. It's where we intentionally give and receive spiritual encouragement. It's where we connect with other believers for Bible study, prayer, and friendship.  We believe that real life change occurs as we are growing in a relationship with Christ along with others! In a Life Group you will have the opportunity to experience life, love, and laughter with each other.

Explore Groups


covenant Groups

We are Growing True Disciples of Christ! Through Connect Groups, believers are engaged in relationships of accountability, transparency, and trust. They are rooted in God’s Word, devoted to community, and living with purpose. Also, believers are committed to imitating Christ by creating more disciples.
A Connect Group is a small Group of adults who meet weekly in homes across Marshall, TX. They have a meal together, study the Bible together, pray for each other, and stay connected throughout the week.

 Learn More



Your life is a mission trip!

Our goal is to bring real life change to our communities and the world. When it comes to serving locally or globally, it's not either/or, but both/and! As individuals and families, we are missionaries where we live, work and play. Together as a church, we plant churches and support ministries here at home and around the world. We all have a part. Are you ready to get involved or want to learn more? Then let us know and we will help you take your next step  Click the buttons below and find a place to "GO"!

Mission Opportunities

reaching out | Reaching in

Sisters of Joy

What We Are All About

If you are a widow, single mom, or single sister and are looking for community, fellowship, connection, & encouragement we would love to have you! Are you looking for support, friendship, others like you that are walking a similar road? Do you desire to be in a place where others “get it?” A place where others know and understand what you are experiencing? Are you desiring more JOY? Come join us at Sisters of Joy!

Sisters of Joy

reaching out | Reaching in

Ibc Men

What We Are All About

Our purpose is to be an instrument of God in His transformation of ordinary men into mighty men of God—training, equipping, and preparing them for spiritual battle—and calling them to fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith.

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reaching out | Reaching in

Ibc Senior Adults

What We Are All About

The Senior Adult Ministry at IBC is a fellowship of friendly, caring, and loving Seniors! We are anxious to meet with you and share the many wonderful things God is doing in our midst!
Senior Adults at IBC are some of the most active members of the church. Our 1st Thursday Brown Bag Luncheons, monthly socials, trips, and volunteer work are typical events on the monthly schedule of activities for this group. We love to have a good time and enjoy fellowship while growing closer to Christ. You can find information on these events in our church bulletin or on our church calendar. Come and get involved!

upcoming Events

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