IBC Kids

The IBC Kids Ministry is a fun, safe place where your children, Infant to 5th grade, are introduced to Jesus. Your kids will experience engaging, age-appropriate lessons each week that teach them about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus all their lives. Through songs, games, interactive activities, and hands-on discovery kids learn how to apply the truth of the Bible to their daily lives and they'll have a whole lot of fun along the way!

Our Commitment to You

IBC Staff and Volunteer Leaders have made a commitment to you to lead your children well while they're in our care by providing a secure environment.  This includes background checks, secure check-in measures, and much more.

Read Our Commitment to You

Our Commitment to Lead Your Child Well

Our leaders take responsibility to protect.

While your child or student is with us, we’ll treat them like our own.

Our leaders play it safe.

We only allow authorized parents or guardians to pick up kids; we have security personnel onsite at all times; and we provide plenty of ongoing safety training for our volunteer leaders and staff.

Our leaders build trust.

The volunteer leaders and staff who work with your children have all been thoroughly screened through background checks and relationship. We know them and trust them.

Our leaders keep everything in the open.

Every room has a window and/or a camera so you can check in and have peace of mind. Just tell us your child’s name, show us your sticker and we’ll be glad to help.

Our leaders take immediate action.

If anything seems amiss, we will jump in to protect children and students. We take every accusation seriously and investigate it thoroughly.

Our leaders will establish partnerships.

We desire to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children. Don’t hesitate to speak with a staff member or volunteer leader about any concern or question you have. We’re glad to help.


Kids WORSHIPING Together

Worship and relationship are the original purposes for why God created us in the first place. At IBC your kids will have several opportunities designed just for them to worship our savior throughout the week. We believe teaching our kids to worship from a very young age will help them build a foundation of worship for the rest of their lives.



Kids life groups

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

We are incredibly blessed to have such an amazing group of Life Group teachers! We have Life Group classes at 9:00 a.m. for every age group, starting at age 3. Our classes are very active and utilize different learning techniques to help the children grow as much as they possibly can while we have them. Life Groups are offered year-round, and by the time they leave our kids ministry they will have studied through the story-line of the Bible three times!


kid's rock

We love to teach children about Jesus. We’ve created a ministry where children 3 years through fifth grade have a place at church on Wednesdays that is designed just for them. They’ll experience an exciting environment where they’ll get to play, sing, hear God’s Word and learn how to apply it to their lives in a way they can understand. We take our children through a structured curriculum that teaches them the main stories and themes of the Bible. Each week contains a simple, practical point that children can remember and apply to their lives in a way that’s fun and will make them want to come back each week. We are all about helping children begin a relationship with Jesus that will grow over a lifetime! KIDS ROCK is from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights from September-April.

equipping parents

Family Ministry

Discipling your kids at home doesn't have to be hard. Take a look at these awesome parent resources to assist you in discipling and teaching your kids at home. Explore our family giving challenges, bible teaching resources, and parent print outs.

Learn More


ibc nursery

We are incredibly blessed to have such an amazing group of nursery workers who are committed to the safety and spiritual development of your little ones! Our Nursery workers undergo the training needed to make sure our Nurseries are sanitized, welcoming, and loving places where little ones can feel safe and accepted. We offer three different nurseries: 0-11 months, 12-23 months, and 2-year-olds. Your children will love their time spent in these nurseries. Our classes are very active, utilizing different learning techniques to help the children learn as much as they possibly can. All Nurseries are offered year-round.

Frequently Asked Questions

What safety precautions do you take with your volunteers and workers?

All of our workers are required to go through some form of screening. Volunteers are background and reference checked and are required to be members of the church a minimum of 6 months so we can help them identify their gifts and assist them in finding a place to serve. Paid employees are professionally background checked and interviewed. Day school employees are required to have CPR training every 2 years. In addition, the preschool department (first floor) of our Children’s Building is equipped with a video surveillance system to promote a safe environment.

Note: All volunteers and employees go through training provided my MinistrySafe.

Does your church have a children’s check in system?

Yes. Our preschool department (first floor) has a check-in system at both entrances. This system allows our employees and volunteers to know who is able to pick up a child. When a child is checked in, a unique sticker is generated for the child. When an adult comes to get the child they must present the sticker to the volunteers at the desk before they are allowed to enter the preschool area. When you arrive at the check in desk, you will fill out a guest information sheet and the volunteer will give you a sticker.

When I come to your church where should I go to drop off my child?

When you pull in our parking lot you will see our children’s building entrance. Enter through those doors and you will be greeted by your check-in desk volunteer who will show you where to go. Babies through preschool classes are located on the first floor, and kinder through 6th grade are located on the second floor.

What should I pack for my child?

As the parent of a child 2 years and younger, please include the following things in your child’s bag: 2 or 3 disposable diapers, a complete change of clothes and a bottle/sippy cup of milk, juice or water. Please LABEL all personal items so we can make sure your child’s things go home with you!

Day school

This I know day school

The purpose of "This I Know" Day School is to provide a happy, healthy, caring, and Christ centered environment for early childhood development and education. We will stimulate your child mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually at his or her individual stage of development. The WEE Learn curriculum is designed to meet the needs of your preschooler by utilizing centers. We offer creative art, dramatic play, natural sciences, story time, blocks, music, outside play, and community awareness. Our program will provide your child with a safe and loving place to learn.

Things to Know

Day School Registration

Registration begins in March. A copy of the registration form can be found here and will also be available in the church office. Registration forms and fees can be dropped off in the church office if the Day School is not in session.

Day School Tuition and Fees

All tuition is due at the first of the month.
There is a $100 registration fee per year due at the time of enrollment.

$115/month for children 3 years and older
$125/month for children 2 years and younger

Early Drop Off

Early drop-off is available at 8:00 a.m. The fee is an additional $20.00 per month.

If you have any questions, call the Day  School at 903-938-2955.

